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MOVE - workshop facilitation

Why move strategically with workshops? 

You can have lots of consumer insights about your customers, but not much happening in being customer centric until you actually translate this back into your strategy, products, services and communication. It’s all about connecting the dots. So stop customer centric talking, start customer centric doing!


What do I offer?

I facilitate tailor-made in-house workshops to move forward with your customer centred brand or product strategy. With different tools, techniques and exercises I facilitate your team to get from A to B in a flexible and lean way, no matter what strategic phase you are in. 


Some examples of typical sessions I can facilitate: 

  • From data to insights  

  • Creating personas or need segments

  • Customer journey mapping

  • From insights to concepts

  • Ideation 

  • Building a value proposition

  • Brand sprint

  • Design sprint

For who is this?

Relevant for all teams involved in strategy. For example marketing teams that want to build a customer-centric brand, product teams that want to improve user experience (UX), sales teams that want to make a client-centred sales pitch or customer service teams that want to build customer-centric service concepts. 

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